Golf de Saint Marc
Golf de Saint-Marc situated, 12km west of Paris in the vicinity of Versailles was started in 1997 when Mark Adam and Patrick Fromanger purchased an abandoned landfill site.
As the golf industry was going through a severe downturn, this was seen as an opportunity for the partners to show their talent and expertise, and to demonstrate that if a course was built sensibly, in phases, with the player needs and expectations in mind it could be economically viable.
The partners having no access to outside financing decided that the best approach was to design the course in phases and to purchase the construction and maintenance machinery. Having no formal training in the use of earthmoving
machinery, progress at first was slow, but our skills improved quickly, so that we were able to grade and shape 1,2 million cubic meters of in-fill. All the works such as irrigation, drainage and landscape works were done in-house.
The concept was to create a course that blended in completely with its surrounding landscape so that future players could not have imagined the site’s former use. The project was phased so that quite quickly we could open parts of the course and develop a revenue stream. We also concentrated our efforts on the golf course itself, and took an approach that the buildings such as the club-house would be built later. In July 2000 we opened the first nine holes and in May 2004 opened the last nine holes. We then in 2008 following our design, opened a state of the art, two tiered covered practice area in glass giving it complete transparency. It’s unique with a very special feel. In 2010 following our design, we opened the first phase of the club-house comprising, the reception area, the pro-shop, offices, changing rooms and conference facilities. In 2014 following our design, we opened the second phase of the club-house comprising the bar, lounge area, and restaurant with a very large cantilevered terrace overseeing the golf.
This unique experience, having designed and built our own golf course and club-house facilities and presently managing and maintaining them, has given us a breadth and hands-on understanding of the all the components inherent to a successful golf course, equal to none in the industry. This course is now getting increased recognition as a quality venue and we are truly proud our achievement.